No doubt, the airline industry is the source of much environmental devastation, and I rarely enjoy my experiences flying these days. But a friend of mine (who is one of these righteous future lawyers) just came to LA for a visit and had some very positive things to say about her flight. She flew Alaska Airlines and came with some interesting reports. First off, they asked people to save their cups for re-use during the second beverage service to reduce waste; second and more importantly, the beverage options did not include Coca Cola or Pepsi, but rather Root Beer and Pure Cane Cola--provided by Jones Soda. Keep reading...
According to this late-winter Reuters report, Alaska Airlines began serving the soda April 1, 2008 on 1000 flights daily. What makes Jones Soda different? Aside from their bizarre flavors like Blue Bubble Gum and Fufu Berry, the soda company only uses natural cane sugar, as opposed to the High Fructose Corn Syrup found in most soft drinks.
According to the press release, the partnership is not so much based on environmental or health ideals, but rather on the philosophy that both companies, Alaska Air and Jones, are based in Seattle. I like to believe, however, that Alaska Air is sticking it to the big soda giants who poison our bodies, air and seas. However, this is the second time that the company has ousted Coca Cola; after the home field of the Seattle Seahawks serviced the corporate super-giant responsible for worldwide devastation (here and here) for three decades, the team stadium went with Jones.
In an industry where little is done to combat climate change or environmental and health crises, it is refreshing to see Alaska Airlines take the lead in changing these patterns. Alaska Air has taken two concrete steps in making a difference--serving a natural beverage that does not contain the toxic and corrosive ingredient, High Fructose Corn Syrup, that has inundated our food supply, and having customers reuse (the most effective form of recycling).
Thank you, Alaska Airlines, for trying to make a difference.
1 comment:
I found this during a search for high fructose free drinks.
It was an interesting article and I like to see the little guy stick it to the man! Go Jones Soda and Alaska Airlines!
If anyone knows of a wesbite, link, or have your own list of beverages without high fructose corn syrup please send them. Its hard to provide nutritious drinks in the kids lunchboxes!
danielle k 219 @ yahoo . com
(without the spaces but I'm trying to throw off the spam bots)
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